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Visuals shown are for illustration purposes only, and not to be taken as a fully accurate representation of the female reproductive system.

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Welcome to the place where life begins...

The Womb!

Now, let's discover all its amazing wonders.

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Click to Ovary
There are 2 ovaries, one on each side of the uterus.

At birth, they house approximately
1 million eggs!

That's a lot of eggs!

But approximately 10,000 eggs die each month.

So when puberty hits, only around 300,000 will remain.

The ovaries also make estrogen (es-truh-juhn) and progesterone (pro-jes-tuh-rohn)...
Hormones that help regulate periods.

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Now let's explore fallopian tube.
Ever wonder what the fallopian tube looks like?

The fallopian tube connects the ovary to the uterus.

When the ovary releases an egg, it will travel through this tube...
Which is around 10cm long!
This is also where fertilisation (if any) will take place.
More wonders await in the uterus!
Click to Uterus
Wow, it's roomy in the uterus.
It's also commonly known as the womb!
The uterus is a hollow muscular organ.
And the inner lining is called the endometrium (en-doe-mee-tree-um).
Smooth muscle cells form the middle layer, the myometrium (mai-o-me-tree-um).
The uterus is higly flexible!
It can expand up to 1000 times in size.
Yes, big enough to accommodate a baby
before reverting to its original size.

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It's also one of the strongest muscles in the body.
When the uterus contracts, it can generate a force of up to 180KG of pressure per square foot!
180KG = the weight of an adult male lion, or a refrigerator!
That's some incredible pressure!
The uterus also plays an important role in the menstrual cycle.
With each cycle, the endometrium will prepare itself to nourish a foetus by thickening its walls.
However, if fertilisation doesn't occur...
The endometrium will shed and exit the body through the vagina...
Which creates a period!
Fun fact: Did you know that a woman loses around 6 teaspoons of blood during her period?
That's over 30 litres of blood in a lifetime!
30 litres = around 60 cups of bubble tea or bottles of mineral water
Now that you've discovered the wonders of the womb…
Come discover the wonders of the products designed with your V-zone in mind!
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